The Access to Housing Finance by Low-Income Groups


  • Ricardo Tapia Zarricueta JUNDEP


JUNDEP stands for Juventudes Para el Desarrollo y la Producción (Youth for Development and Production – Private Corporation for Social Development.) Architect Tapia moderated the round table on this issue, which was organized by GRET (France), the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MINVU) and JUNDEP. This paper describes the programmatic proposals made by different State and private, national and foreign entities such as the Ministry of the Interior and MINVU (Chile), FONHAPO (Mexico), the Hogar de Cristo (Chile), JUNDEP (Chile), SEHAC (Brazil) and GRET (France), which supports part of these initiatives. It was concluded that a greater commitment and participation on the part of beneficiaries would contribute to the improvement of their community organization, their saving capacity and their possibilities to purchase or improve dwellings.