The Chilean Social Housing Policy: An Analysis of Its Concept of Public Space in the Post-Modern World


  • Javiera Susana Azócar Weisser Universidad de Chile


The public space concept goes as far as the origin of the urban world and its development depends on the era in which it is analyzed. Right now, the postmodern cultural frame gives it a series of features that goes against its own public essence. In this sense and considering the formal structure of the public space which operates from the Estate, this article offers an anlysis of this concept whithin the social housing policies taking into account that this represents the official way in which the popular urban spaces are conformed.

Author Biography

Javiera Susana Azócar Weisser, Universidad de Chile

Chilena, licenciada en sociología. Ayudante del ramo "Estadística I y II" de Licenciatura en Sociología (2003 y 2004), Universidad de Chile. Práctica Profesional en el Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo (2004), División Técnica de Estudios y Fomento Habitacional, en la Unidad de Asistencia Técnica (Profesional responsable: Julio Echavarría).