Ethical standards

Publication ethics and malpractice statement

Publication decisions

Lenguas Modernas is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal concerning acquisition and development of the mother tongue, acquisition and learning of second and foreign languages, language and cognition and discourse analysis. The editor of the journal decides which of the submitted articles are to be published. The editor follows the policies of the journal's editorial board and legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The acceptance of the articles requires the approval of the reviewers and the agreement by the editorial board. Manuscripts are assessed exclusively on their scientific content disregarding any kind of discrimination. No information about a submitted manuscript is disclosed to anyone other than the corresponding author. Likewise, authors do not know the identity of the reviewers.

Duties of Reviewers

Editorial decisions are made on the basis of double-blind peer review and the judgment of the scientific board. If a selected reviewer feels unqualified to assess the manuscript or feels there is any of conflict of interest, he must inform the editor. Similarly, he should notify the editor if he finds evidence of plagiarism or academic malpractice. Reviews are conducted objectively, based on scientific arguments and excluding any sort of personal judgment about the author.

Reviewers’ opinions are relevant in the improvement of the manuscript.

Duties of Authors

Authors of contributions must follow the journal’s publication guidelines. Manuscripts should account for an original scientific discussion and references must be properly quoted to avoid plagiarism.

Manuscripts should not be submitted to more than one journal concurrently as such behaviour is unethical and unacceptable.

The Editorial Board assumes that the manuscript submitted is the final version.

Authorship should be restricted to those who have significantly contributed to its realization.

Authors should acknowledge any project financial support.

If the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the manuscript, he must inform the editor to correct the paper.

Copyright Assignment

The journal assumes the author is the legitimate copyright holder who assigns his rights to the journal allowing it to publish his work indefinitely, both in print and digitally, as well as to sell and distribute issues where his article is published.

The author has the right to use his published work content indicating the corresponding publishing information (Number, year, pages).

In submitting the manuscript the author acknowledges and accepts the policies of the journal's editorial board.