The conception of the slave in the classical greek world: heterogeneous forms of subjection in the hellenic practice of slavery


  • Daniel Santibáñez-Guerrero Universidad Miguel de Cervantes


Based on the wide range of terms used by the ancient Greeks to refer to the slave, for decades the Hellenists will interpret this lack of precision as a characteristic of the untidy Greek conception of slavery, making it directly difficult for the same scholars to examine. modern. With the work of Detlef Lotze (1930-2018) in the middle of the last century, however, this plurality of concepts around the slave begins to be interpreted as an indication of the complexity with which slavery is conceived and applied in the Greek world, the which, finally, would consist of heterogeneous forms of subjection and not a universally defined and exercised institution. The concepts «slavery-dependence» and «slaverymerchandise», thus, acquire relevance to identify the necessary difference between a form of slavery where the slave manages the production process, and another where he participates only as a material element of it.


slavery, Greece, concepts, dependency, merchandise

Author Biography

Daniel Santibáñez-Guerrero, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes

correspondencia: Daniel Santibáñez Guerrero.
Doctor en Filosofía, Universidad de Chile.
Docente en Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, Chile.