Capitalism, space and geography on the contemporaneous Peruvian-Chilean border (second decade of 21st century): towards a Tacna-Arica border urbanization scale


  • Felipe Valdebenito


This article analyses, from a Marxist geography perspective, the contemporaneous social processes that are rescaling the Tacna-Arica border towards new spatial forms of capitalism and its geography of uneven development. In a general sense, it is proposed that this rescaling is related with the imbrication that capitalism produce between urbanization and borders. In a specific sense, it is proposed that the comprehension of that imbrication can be resolved through the confection of an analytical scale of the Tacna-Arica border urbanization. After some theoretical discussions, this analytical scale is formalized and it is operationalised in the manner of a brief urban ethnography.


border, Tacna, Arica, capitalism, space, geography, urbanization