Background: Although suicide has long been a public health concern, recent attention has focused on its elevated prevalence, particularly when associated with depression, and the age of the affected individuals. Objective: To review literature related to the phenomenon of suicide and its association with depression in the adolescent population and to identify the principal associated factors, in order to propose prevention strategies. Methods: A literature review was conducted using the databases Scielo, Redalyc and Pubmed and the keywords adolescence, youth, depression, suicide attempt, suicidal behavior, and suicide, in Spanish and in English.
A total of 53 articles, published between 2013 and 2017, were included, and the analysis focused on the phenomenon’s epidemiology and related associated factors. Results: Suicide prevalence rates range widely worldwide, from 2.4 (Egypt) to 46.5 (Lithuania) per 100,00 inhabitants between 15 and 29 years of age, affecting more men than women. Additionally, approximately a third of individuals under 20 years of age have presented suicide ideation.
There are reported associations between suicide and personality attributes, addictions, hostile family and social environments, and the absence of religious beliefs. Discussions: Suicide in young adults is perceived to be linked to structural violence, which necessitates the exploration of viable options for human development.
Suicide, Youth, Mood disorders, Risk factors
Author Biographies
Laura E. Trujillo-Olivera, Unidad SCLC. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur
Doctora en Ciencias
Néstor R. García-Chong, Centro Regional de Alta Especialidad de Chiapas (CRAE). Hospital de Especialidades Pediátricas (HEP)
Moreno-Gordillo, G. de J., Trujillo-Olivera, L. E., García-Chong, N. R., & Tapia-Garduño, F. (2019). Suicide and depress ion in adolescents: a literature review. Revista Chilena De Salud Pública, 23(1), p. 31–41.