INTRODUCTION: Suicide constitutes a public health problem. There is an increase in adolescents admitted to health services for suicidal attempts and self-harming behavior in recent years. Associated with little knowledge about the prevalence of suicidal and self-harming behaviors. This work seeks to describe the epidemiology of suicidality in Chilean adolescents between the years 2019-2022. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Descriptive-observational study. Includes admissions to the mental health program (PROSAM) for suicidal attempts and ideation, deaths due to suicide, hospitalizations and consultations to the emergency department for intentionally self-inflicted injuries of adolescents, aged 10-19, in Chile, between the years 2019-2022. Data obtained from a public database, did not require evaluation by an ethical-scientific committee. RESULTS: In the period studied, there were 5,818 admissions of adolescents to PROSAM for suicidal ideation and 4,086 for suicidal attempts, 8,429 hospital discharges, 16,296 emergency visits for self-harm and 366 deaths due to suicide. The year with the highest number of events and rates in all variables was 2022. Adolescents between 15-19 years old had higher incidences. Suicides were higher in men and the rest of the variables in women. DISCUSSION: The increase in suicides in 2022 differs from the decrease maintained by Chilean adolescents in previous years. The female predominance in ideation, suicide attempt and self-harm, unlike suicide, which is higher in men, coincides with the literature. Suicidal behaviors, self-harm and suicide are increasing alarmingly in Chilean adolescents, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, coinciding with international studies.
Osorio, W., Sanhueza García, M., Muñoz, K. ., Spano, A. ., Valenzuela, L., & Sanhueza, N. (2024). Descripción Epidemiológica de Suicidalidad de adolescentes chilenos entre los años 2019-2022: un problema de salud pública aún no resuelto. Revista Chilena De Salud Pública, 28, e72669.