Creation of the Sociology Network of Chilean Universities and reactivation of disciplinary and trade union reflective spaces.


  • Claudio Duarte Universidad de Chile
  • Ximena Sánchez Universidad de Playa Ancha


The development of social experiences was one of the ways to resist the attacks of the military dictatorship, allowing us to confront and overcome the fragmentation that was sought to be imposed in all areas of society. The Sociology Network of Chilean Universities (SOCIORED) is an initiative that contributes to this process, by establishing itself as an instance of articulation of the study houses that develop sociology in Chile, it allowed the recovery of the Chilean Sociology Congresses and collaborated with the refoundation of the College of Sociologists. All based on the commitment to a collaborative work style, based on trust and attentive to the country's concerns.Through a documentary study -in the framework of a systematization of this experience-, the process of forming SOCIORED and the holding of the Chilean Congresses of Sociology from the VI (year 2011) to the XI (year 2022) is presented, as evidence of the contribution of this experience to the resistance of the effects of the dictatorship.


Sociology Network of Chilean Universities, Chilean Sociology Congresses, College of Sociologists, collaborative work, Trust relationships.


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