La política de Estados Unidos contra el narcotráfico y su impacto en América Latina


  • Fernando Bustamante FLACSO


During the Reagan administration, the problem of illegal drug use and trafficking in the United States has been arousing concern and alarm. At the same time, a series of voices linked to the government have emerged that denounced ties between certain guerrilla movements with drug gangs. This is how the concept of "narco-terrorism" has taken shape. This idea gives rise to a series of North American policies and attitudes towards the problem in Latin America and towards their countries and governments, which place emphasis on police and even military aid and which tend to turn problems into a matter of national security for the United States. This paper aims to describe and interpret the sense of the perceptions and the construction that Americans make of the problem and to understand the difficulties that the application of this policy faces to operate in the Latin American context.


United States, Drug Trafficking, Latin America, Narco-terrorism, National Security

Author Biography

Fernando Bustamante, FLACSO

Investigador  de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Programa Santiago - Chile. Ha trabajado los temas de Relaciones Internacionales, especialmente en las relaciones militares y de seguridad de América Latina con Estados Unidos; problemas de defensa, relaciones cívico-militar y las cuestiones de violencia política y militarismo.