
Call to publish scientific articles that will be received between June 20 and November 20, 2019, referring to:

University Pedagogy: With topics such as public policies in higher education, legislative system and reforms, academic programs, comparative policies, massification processes, quality assurance, legal professions, and others in higher education as a general field, referring to the Chilean and international context .

Didactics of Law: With topics whose centrality is related to processes of innovation, learning, curriculum, innovations, teaching experiences, students and teachers characterization , among others in legal education in the Chilean and international context.

Ethical and citation standards (Chicago-deusto) must be taken care of, in addition to the originality of the research or innovation.

Towards an environmentally sustainable curriculum for Law careers


  • Mónica Arnouil Seguel Universidad de La Frontera


Law curricula have a low level of environmental inclusion. This is highly worrying in a formative educational context, because they’re precisely the instruments of educational management through which it’s possible to define and integrate the ethical content that is immersed in the legal axiology and transfer it to the classroom in a professional training perspective. From an educational model of neoliberal ascription, Chile has outlined the curricular conception towards pedagogical effectiveness. This approach has determined that it is seen as a country with a high educational offer for university higher education, but not necessarily in providing the student with the knowledge necessary for their future work. All of this is paradoxical in a country with a high rate of environmental conflict and a political and social legacy of deprivation of rights, which at least should have refocused public policies towards an ethical-educational discernment, guarantee of the principles of educational action.


Environmental law, education, university, curriculum, sustainable development

Author Biography

Mónica Arnouil Seguel, Universidad de La Frontera

lawyer and social worker. PhD in Educational Sciences and post-doctorate in Educational Sciences from the University of La Frontera, Chile