The Governmental Dispositive, its Modern Totalization and the Outside of the Pagans


  • Gonzalo Díaz Letelier Universidad de Chile


From Michel Foucault's distinction within his concept of subjectivation, between the “subjection” and the “art of living”, we will focus initially on the genealogical-archaeological description of the drift of technologies of subjection –production of subjectivity– that go from the ecclesiastical pastoral power to governmental power of state and post-state merchantveridictive power. On this basis, we will consider the modern totalitarian drift, wich in Foucault has the character of a biopolitics, as convergence and knotting of the “double bind” between procedures of political totalization and techniques of moral individualization –in this sense we will refer, on the one hand, to Giorgio Agamben’s indications about the totalitarian confluence between political sovereignty and economic governmentality, and on the other hand, to the link proposed by Rodrigo Karmy between the modern governmental dispositive and the modern biopolitical concept of “civilization”. Finally, we will try to think, in connection with the idea of an art of living in Foucault and under our proposed concept of paganism, the experience of the “outside” as revocation of the glory of reign: the possibility of a certain atheological and anarchic life that would put in question the ontotheology of metaphysics that articulates the Western civilizational project; atheological and anarchic life wich, as such, claims the potentiality of another relationship between life and form, a relationship involving a circulation without sovereignequivalential accumulation of life and their productions –against Western hegemonic forms of circulation with pattern of accumulation in the political, economic, aesthetic, semantical and moral spheres.


power, subjectivation, sovereignty, governmentality, totalitarism, biopolitics, civilization