The chilean fable. The transitology as a raison d`etat


  • Rodrigo Karmy Bolton Universidad de Chile


The hipothesis of this essay proposes that the transition was no a simple period of political history, but a raison d`etat built from the narrative structure of the fable. That´s why it places a story that holds the “once upon a time” as its premise that make possible to conclude a moral lesson that guides the mode of how to govern through the technologiés of the goverment by consent. If the fable is a moral discourse built from the scene of two animals that make a mistake and leave a moral lesson, the transitional discourse was a fable that appeal to the “once upon a time” (Allende and the Unidad Popular experience) as an error that concludes a moral lesson: govern “as far as possible”.


fable, transition, raison d`etat, Allende, neoliberalism

Author Biography

Rodrigo Karmy Bolton, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en Filosofía, mención Filosofía Moral y Política, por la Universidad de Chile. Profesor e Investigador del Centro de Estudios Árabes de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad de Chile y profesor de la cátedra “Mundo árabe contemporáneo” en la carrera de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile y del Seminario de Filosofía en el Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Chile.