About the capacity of thought to sustain the body as a problem


  • Felipe Roblero Valenzuela Universidad Diego Portales


Based on a reflection on how problems are constructed in philosophy as an object of thought, the article aims to reflect on the difficulty that arises if reflection is denied the possibility of apprehending the truth. If the instructions of Lacoue-Labarthe are followed to the letter, thought only produces fictions, so that their problems are not established in the elucidation of a truth. However, what is the function of a thought that produces fictions? How does it relate to the objects to which it is directed? Under the direction of Deleuze, an exit will be sought which will involve sustaining the body as a notion necessarily implied in a thought not directed to the truth, for which the hypothesis is that thought as fiction could be conceived solely from the architecture of a body of multiplicities.


fiction, truth, body, thought